
Post by: Shelly Ma {Studio 614 intern} and Megan Sharbaugh {Studio 614 artist}

There’s no doubt that Columbus, Ohio is a supportive community. This city is full of genuine hearts and compassion for those less fortunate. When we consider our own childhood, what comes to mind first? Is it the accomplishments? The overwhelming excitement in learning to ride a bike? Or the way your heart lit up when you heard that ice cream truck? Maybe it was your first broadway theatre show, the first scary movie you watched, or even your very first heartbreak. What we don’t always realize is that our childhood experiences have molded us into the adults we are today. Some of these experiences affected our subconscious in ways that we won’t ever even recognize. Some aspects of your childhood built self-confidence, while others tore it down. This is where Girls on the Run comes in to positively impact young girls in the most powerful ways.

This youth development program for young girls up to high school age level aids in building life-long self-confidence, appreciation for health and fitness, and both strength for building personal goals and inspiration for long-term career goals. It’s empowerment for young girls in order to prepare them to take on today’s world!

Girls on the Run has recently served its 1 millionth girl internationally. The organization was first founded in 1996 in Charlotte North Carolina, and has since them grown internationally, currently holding over 120,000 volunteers.

Celebrated in the end with a 5k running event, the curriculum includes training for the run as well as lessons that inspire the girls to make healthy decisions, be independent thinkers, maintain problem-solving skills, and be confident in their physical appearances and personalities. The 24 lesson curriculum is taught by certified coaches who focus on 3 parts- understanding ourselves, valuing relationships and teamwork, and understanding how we connect with and shape the world at large.

Volunteers are either coaches or assistant coaches. Their website provides more information on volunteering!

With international partners including Athelta, Lego, Secret, Cigna, Famous Footwear, and Gamma Phi Beta, their local sponsor here in Franklin County is Fleet Feet Sports Columbus who recently provided shoes for girls from Moler Elementary!

With a goal to serve 2 million girls by 2020, we want to help serve their movement to empower girls with confidence, intellect, and strength to change the world, before the world even has a chance to change them.

To register for our dish-ware painting fundraiser benefitting Girls on the Run, visit the registration page from the website calendar. 100% of proceeds will be donated to GOTR.

Join the #studio614movement for #GOTR!

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